Common Codes

The list of common result codes / response codes applicable to all APIs and Webhook

HTTP Response Status Codes


200 - Request is successful

400 - Bad request (encryption/decryption failed/ Error occurred)

401 - Unauthorized (unauthorized access not allowed)

406 - Not Acceptable (Mismatch in details provided)

409 - Conflict (Unable to process request data)

503 - Service Unavailable (Service unavailable due to technical issue)

Result Code


If the request is processed successfully, the response must be SUCCESS.

1001 - SUCCESS


HOLD applies only to cash-based transactions. WITHDRAWAL and DEPOSIT.

1002 - HOLD


The FAILED status applicable if the transaction fails due to the reason codes stated in the confirmDebit / confirmCredit.


The ERROR status result codes applicable to a request and response in the API are listed on the corresponding API documentation page.

2001 - Failed due to technical error

2002 - Error with the service provider

2003 - Service is not available

2004 - Authentication failed

2005 - Server Down

2006 - Cannot process this request

2007 - Encryption failed

2008 - Decryption failed

2009 - Hash validation failed

2091 - Transaction details do not match

2092 - Transaction reference is not unique

2093 - Transaction reference must be the same for HOLD

9988 - Entity is inactive

9989 - Insufficient virtual account balance

Last updated