Account Statement
This Webhook is used to retrieve the account statement and the latest balance of the account held by the user.
You must add a
accountStatement callback URI
to the webhook profile to receive requests from us.
Parameter | Type | Description |
data |
| |
mobile |
| Mobile number of user. Character length : 10 Eg: 9876543210 |
country_code |
| Country code for the mobile number. Character length : 2 Eg: 91 |
account_number |
| The account number of the requesting user. Eg: 3988762547321 |
branch_code |
| Branch code holding account number in the entity. Eg: BR001 |
start_date |
| Start date of account statement details. Format: YYYY-MM-DD Eg: 2020-11-01 |
end_date |
| End date of account statement details. Format: YYYY-MM-DD Eg: 2020-11-31 |
The maximum difference between start_date
and end_date
is 365 days. i.e. 1 year.
Request format
All parameters
in the response are required to proceed.
If no transaction is found/ failed to fetch for any reason, the balance_amount
in the response must be 0 (zero).
The transactions
array includes all transactions between the shared dates of the account.
The transactions
array should be empty
if there are no transactions associated with the respective account.
Parameter | Type | Description |
head |
| |
| HTTP response status codes. Refer |
result |
| |
code |
| Result code for the response. Find result codes |
status |
| The status against the request.
Allowed values: |
account |
| |
account_number |
| The same account number shared to receive the statement. Eg: 3988762547322 |
branch_code |
| The same branch code shared to receive the statement. Eg: BR001 |
balance_amount |
| The latest balance amount in the respective account number. Eg: 123456.00 |
start_date |
| The same start date shared to receive the statement. Format: YYYY-MM-DD Eg: 2020-11-01 |
end_date |
| The same end date shared to receive the statement. Format: YYYY-MM-DD Eg: 2020-11-31 |
transactions_count |
| The total count of transactions array. Eg: 2 |
transactions |
| |
txn_id |
| Unique ID saved for the transaction. Eg: 1a21s5s65f32s13d54as |
date |
| The transaction date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD Eg: 2020-11-31 |
time |
| The transaction time. (hh:mmA) Eg: 02:30AM |
debit_amount |
| In case of a withdrawal, the withdrawal amount for the transaction ID. Eg: 1200.00 |
credit_amount |
| In case of a deposit, the deposit amount for the transaction ID. Eg: 600.50 |
balance |
| The balance amount after the deposit or withdrawal to the transaction ID. Eg: 1800.50 |
description |
| Note or description of each transaction Eg: Cash Self Deposit |
Response format
Result Code
- Invalid account2022
- Account number and mobile number do not match
Last updated